Ms. Torrigino receives the 2nd Best Presentation Award at the 6th European Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (EU-ISMET)

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Frau Torrogino bei der Preisverleihung (Foto K. Herkendell)

Ms. Torrigino, research associate at our institute, received the second prize of the “Best Presentation Award” at the 6th European Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology (EU-ISMET).

She presented her paper entitled “Developing an Impedance Analysis for Enzyme-Based Anodes” at the conference, which took place in Wageningen from September 6-8, 2023.

Professor Herkendell and Ms Espejo Fernandez were also present at the congress with their poster “CFD simulation to study parameters affecting methane production in a single chamber microbial electrolysis cell with carbon fiber brush electrodes”.

We congratulate her and wish her continued success in her research.

Zu sehen sind Frau Professor Herkendell, Frau Espejo Fernandez und Frau Torrigino vor Ihren Postern
v.l.n.r.: Professor Herkendell, Ms Espejo Fernandez and Ms Torrigino (Foto K. Herkendell)