
The EVT has a new research assistant. We would like to welcome Mrs. Marina Espejo Fernández! Mrs. Espejo Fernández will work with Electromethanogenesis. She will do the EU-project BIOMETHAVERSE. Mrs. Espejo Fernández is part of the working group of Prof. Katharina Herkendell. We wish good luck...

Category: Allgemein, News

The project CarbonNeutralLNG (HORIZON EUROPE, GA Nr. 101084066) will be launched by a kick-off meeting on 3rd – 4th of November (2022) in Nuremberg. The meeting will take place at the Chair of  Energy Process Engineering (EVT) of the Friedrich-Alexander University  Erlangen-Nürnberg as the EVT is th...

Category: Allgemein, News

The 17th doctorate since the foundation of EVT goes to Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kolb! With the topic 'Scenarios for the integration of renewable gases in the German gas market: A model-based analysis', Mr. Kolb has truly earned the title. We congratulate him!

Category: Allgemein, News

From May 17th to 18th 2022 the 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology (REGATEC 2022) took place in Malmö, Sweden. EVT was in presence with two contributions: Christian Wondra, poster on 'Characterization of biogenic synthesis gases for direct utilization in industrial b...

Category: Allgemein, Konferenzen, News

From 30.03. - 01.04.2022 the annual meeting of the ProcessNet specialist groups Waste Treatment and Recycling, Energy Process Engineering, Gas Cleaning, High Temperature Technology and Raw Materials will take place at the Welcome Congress Hotel Bamberg. Four colleagues from the Chair of Energy Proce...

Category: Allgemein, Konferenzen, News