
The EVT has a new research assistant. We would like to welcome Mr. Alexander Hauser! Mr. Hauser will work with katalytical methanation in the working group Second Generation Fuels & Brennstoffzellen. We wish good luck and work! Mitarbeiterdaten:

Category: News

The programme for our 4th Methanation Workshop on 24th – 25th May 2018 is available now! For a closer look click here. Also use the early bird prices available until the end of february for a participation on this high-quality event. To the registration form click here.

Category: News

Registration for our 4th Methanation Workshop on 24th – 25th May 2018 is open now! The form to register can be found here. The early bird prices are available until the end of february. Use them for a participation on this high-quality event.

Category: News

Tanja Schneider was awarded with the EnCN-Energyaward in the category energy storage (Power-to-Gas) for her master thesis! Congratulations. The award was granted at the EnCN yearly meeting and is remunerated with 600€. The master thesis titled 'Allothermal steamgasification of biomass' was mentor...

Category: News

Due to the positive feedback from the workshops in 2012, 2014 and 2016 we are pleased to invite you to the 4th Nuremberg Workshop “Methanation and Second Generation Fuels” to be held on 24. – 25. May 2018 at the Chair of Energy Process Engineering Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlang...

Category: News

At 20th and 21st of november 2017 the  7th 'Statuskonferenz Energetische Biomassenutzung'  took place in Leipzig. The four colleagues Herrmann, Plankenbühler, Schneider and Trabold represented the EVT with their presentations. The presentations can be find here. Each of them is based on a rese...

Category: News

The EVT has a new colleague. We would like to welcome Mrs. Dr. rer. nat. Astrid Schweizer! Mrs Schweizer will coordinate the new 'BayWISS Verbundkolleg Energie' and will staff the correspondent office We wish the very best for the work! Mitarbeiterdaten:

Category: News

The EVT has a new research assistant. We would like to welcome Mrs. Tanja Schneider! Mrs Schneider is working on the BioWaste Stirling project: CHP with biomass-fueled Stirling engine. She will therefore follow directly in the footsteps of Dominik Müller, who will be her group leader in the Worki...

Category: News

REGATEC 2017 took place from the 22nd to the 23rd of May in 2017 in Lazise, Italy. Our Chair was represented amongst the well-staffed programme. Peter Treiber, Michael Neubert and Jonas Leimert presented their results with a poster. Their current work is about an integrated process chain for SNG, wh...

Category: News